Mothers Helper

Tori Schrader


Manhattan Beach, CA

As a summer job, I helped care for an 8-month old baby boy. At this job I was required to keep the baby entertained by reading to him, playing, going outside, etc. I also fed and changed his diapers and made sure his room was always clean and his laundry was always done. While he would nap I would do some light chores around the house such as vaccumning or washing the dishes.


Atila Nitz


Torrance, CA

During the pandemic I began tutoring two boys in kindergarten and third grade. I would go over all the material they received for that week and help them complete their homework and projects.


Randy Balik


Hermosa Beach, CA

As a summer job, I took care of two boys ages 6 and 9. I was expected to drop the boys off at summer camp with their beach gear, sunscreen on, and lunches packed. When I would pick them up I would do their laundry, make them a snack, and entertain them until the parents came home.

Cheerleading Coach

South Bay Cheer 360


Torrance, CA

As an athlete at South Bay Cheer 360 I was given the opportunity to begin junior coaching. I would set-up the class along with any equipment we may need and coach up to 8 athletes at a time. I taught Mini Cheer, Beginner Tumbling, Cheer Fundamentals, and Flyer classes.


Restaurant Work